Friday, December 23, 2022

We Need Our Intuition

We are so closed in with materialism that it isn't questioned. It makes us discount our intuition. Then we have to work and learn to the point where we can see what happened to our souls when materialism took over. We end up begging our intellect to give us a little permission to experience what is beyond the intellect. Tough nut to crack!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Intuition and Authority

I have always followed my intuition regarding authority. In spiritual matters, I have always sensed a teacher that resonates in my heart, whether I understood that teacher or not. Over 50 years of study I have found that my intuition was right on. I never put a teacher above my own mind and heart, but did in humility learn from those I found to have deeper understanding than I.

Things Are As They Are

If ultimately we are that One without a second, the idea of free will or not is moot. That One has no other so the concept of free will does not apply. Things are as they are.