Wednesday, November 22, 2023


The perception of nothing is perceived by awareness. So, however much the feeling of nothingness is in your perception, you are the awareness of that nothing. Awareness is not a thing. It is the subject, it is you. It is the knower. Ultimately there is only existence. Nothingness is a phase that will most likely pass.  

The Absolute Perspective

From the absolute perspective you could say there is no right or wrong, good or bad. But, we humans are embodied, and for our relative existence, we have good and bad. We have morals to make our lives easier, less stressful, less fearful. 

What the perspective of absolute does for us, however, is give us breathing room from guilt, shame, and other destructive self imposed suffering.  


I wouldn't worry about things being called an illusion. The absolute is existence, and therefore anything, however illusionary, is That. 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Rality Does Not Change

I think that Advaita defines reality as that which does not change. The One does not change. All change happens in Maya, a power of Awareness. Like the movie screen is the same no matter what movie is played. The screen is not affected. So, at least for me, seeing beyond the reality beyond the ego is just seeing the One reality, pure Awareness, that does not change.

No Separtion

It seems to me that when we realize "all is One, and I am That," there is no separation, and when there is no separation, everything is the Self. 

With that understanding, who is good and who is bad? Who is right, and who is wrong? Who would you wish to harm? What you do to others, you do to yourself. 

It follows that the One is eternal. All is eternal. All is now, always and forever.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Truth is Freedom

I would rather have the truth, and the freedom to pursue truth over bliss or an absence of suffering. That doesn't mean that enlightenment and the cessation of suffering isn't the truth.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Effortless is just a feeling that happens when one realizes one is not the doer. Just like someone who loves what they do, they do not call it work. As long as the ego is center stage effort will be needed.

Ever The Knower

Everything that comes after "I am" is an object. Self aware beingness is the knower. All else is object. The world is object, the mind is object, thoughts and feelings are object. You, awareness, are the knower. You will always be the knower. Before this body you knew, after this body goes, you will know. Ever the knower, be at peace.