Friday, September 1, 2017


I am tall, I am male, I am old, etc. This is how we refer to ourselves. However, tall, male, old, etc., are all qualifiers describing "I am." The "I am" is constant, whereas the qualities vary. This shows that even language assumes there is a constant reality on which qualities are added.

All these qualifiers assume that one is a body with these qualities. However, if one says, "I am a body," the "I" is the subject and the body is the object. Again, "I am" is the constant. So, I knows body, tall, male, old, etc. as objects and qualities.

The subject "I" cannot be any of these qualities because they are known. The knower of this object with qualities can be nothing other than consciousness. It exists as the body changes, and when the qualifiers change. "I am" is there if the body is female, short and young.

Is it not obvious that consciousness is the de facto reality? It changes form and qualities, and yet remains the constant without any any qualities permanently attached. "I am" is, all else is name and form. 

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