Thursday, April 25, 2019

Before Good and Evil, You Are

Are you aware that it is God looking out through your eyes? Do you see that Awareness itself is revealing without judgment? Do you see that it is your mind, your positions and opinions, that judge? Do you know that if you could see this you would have peace?

You are wrapped up in judgment of what you see, do, and feel. Your mind has opinions about all these experiences, and judges them accordingly. This is essentially where good and evil come from, your opinions, conditioning, likes and dislikes. Your suffering comes from these positions.

Awareness comes first, without judgment, then your mind comes in with opinions, likes and dislikes, good and bad. Awareness has no opinion about what is going on. It is simply the field in which all you know appears. Have you ever stepped back from your mind to realize Awareness itself?

Awareness is the function of God. It is the revealing function, the function that allows for knowing. Everything you have ever known has been in the light of Awareness. Have you not heard that "You are the light." Of course you have, but do you know it is the truth?

Awareness, the function, is a field of knowing. It is always present. It is the one truth you cannot deny. If asked, "Do you exist?" can you answer other than yes. That knowing is existence itself. It is primary. Without this knowing function you cannot say anything exists.

You might think Awareness is yours. It's not. You borrowed it from the Absolute. When your body dies, the universe still exists because the Absolute, with its function of Awareness still exists. Awareness is primary. The content of awareness is all that exists.

Step back from your opinions for a moment. Stand as Awareness the knowing function, and see whatever appears is revealed by that alone. It is only after the revealing that your mind comes in to deliver its judgments. But Awareness, the revealer, never makes a judgment.

You are the light simply means that your true Self is Awareness. The light does not belong to you as a body with a mind. Awareness is not personal. It is impersonal until your mind takes over to judge what it reveals. This is where suffering begins.

Existence is whatever Awareness is conscious of. Existence and Awareness cannot be separated. This is why Awareness, the knowing function, is primary.  You are this impersonal Awareness. The world is your projection. It is your imagination, your play at the highest level. You are this Awareness right here, right now. Leave your mind out of it and feel the peace.


Anonymous said...

I've saved quite a few pages of your blog to go back and read again time to time, this is another one. Thanks again Maury.


Anonymous said...

Hi Maury.

When you "got" the understanding.

Did suffering end for you?

No more future worries, depression etc etc?

Anonymous said...

Also do you remember which line did you read from Robert Wolfe's book that made you realize your true nature?


Maury Lee said...

No. Realization did not end suffering. It has lessened it tremendously and it will continue to as the realization is embodied. For some, it seems, there may be a sudden change and complete relief from suffering, but this does not seem to be the norm. It takes awhile for the realization to sink in.

The personality is still here, but it has lost its status as the primary identify. In time, the insights from realization kick in. Not a complete change from suffering to no suffering instantly.

In current nondual circles there is a lot of talk about embodiment, which to me, means putting the insights of realization into practice. As the knowledge deepens, suffering lessens. Of course, taking the identity of Self/Awareness, one can say "I do not suffer," even if the personality does. A bit of a paradox.

Picture a child who is learning to play an instrument. At some point after instruction the child realizes "I can do this." This realization, however, does not make the child a virtuoso. It takes time and practice.

I do not recall what passage I was reading in Robert Wolfe when I realized that I knew, and knew that I knew. No particular line will push one over the edge. That depends on the understanding already established. At a certain point, almost anything could trigger the knowing "I Am That."

emiliania huxleyi said...

Peace oozing out of every word of this post…

Also, Maury's comments about the ending of suffering echo my experience; it's a process, not a phase transition. My way of explaining the experience here is that there is so much space for difficulty to arise in (& yes, there is plenty of difficulty!) that it doesn't seem to touch the sides… it kind of gets dissipated in the space of awareness, rather than being believed and reacted to unconsciously (and thereby extended forward in time, which increases the experience of difficulty). Having said that, ocassionally a trigger is fully believed, which, while unpleasant, gives me good information about where I am still contracted around an issue.

Maury Lee said...

Excellent description of the process. Realization is just the beginning. You know you are that, but embodiment of that realization takes time. But now you know and have the knowledge to apply when difficulties come. Peace seems to pervade the challenges even while they remain challenges.