Sunday, July 16, 2023

Everything Is That One

If all appearances are actually That Formless One, then they do exist. There has never been anything but existence since the One I has always been and always will be. Saying we don't exist is the same as saying the Absolute doesn't exist. If non duality is the truth then everything is that and does exist. 


Stefan Iliescu said...

For two days I have been living without the feeling that something is missing, that enlightenment will be the most precious achievement. Without some insight or more special state, I simply believe I have gone through a paradigm shift. If before I saw myself (apriori) as a doer on a path to Enlightenment, now I feel crushed by What Is. Apriorially now it is What Is Presented, All That Is Presented, As It Is Presented. To whom is it presented? Well, certainly to someone as Great as That Which Is; I have no adequate feeling for it, but I believe that a Whole cannot present itself to a little man who is only a small piece. Probably if I were still seeking Enlightenment now I would surely perceive the Experience of that seeking, but, curiously, I do not feel like seeking Anything Special or Extraordinary. I no longer believe in anything special or extraordinary. The brain and sense organs can modulate a Reality, but they cannot bring it into Existence. There is nothing in a state of Non-Existence to be brought into existence by any brain or gate of the Universe. The simple and fragile sense of Being is the strongest guarantee that there is no non-existence. Or any other world, or any future. Perhaps curious again I still have fears, for these are presented, along with me the fear-holder. I live nothing ecstatic, but any worry, however minor, is more important than the search for That Which Is. The simplest question of Who I am: all I see around me. To the question of Who I am not is probably the same answer (though I have no adequate sense of what I am not). Just as Marcel Proust said, "My destination is no longer a place, rather a new way of seeing."

Maury Lee said...

You seem to be in a good place. It seems like the frantic search has ended. I was telling someone the other day, "If I have a sense of peace and completion, why would I chase ecstasy?"

Check the post above which I just wrote. I think it relates to what you are talking about. If all is one, then a person is that one, although temporary. So, a deep love and respect needs to be applied to the person as well.

PS: Service to others is admirable, but charity begins at home. Take care of yourself the same as you would others.