The perception of nothing is perceived by awareness. So, however much the feeling of nothingness is in your perception, you are the awareness of that nothing. Awareness is not a thing. It is the subject, it is you. It is the knower. Ultimately there is only existence. Nothingness is a phase that will most likely pass.
The feeling of nothingness is in one’s perception.
Is the feeling of limitless space also a phase in one’s perception?
If feeling is associated with, then it is still an idea or imagination to pass?
Some say they feel from the view of looking out (not the view of looking at an object) there is no sensations, stillness, nothing etc. and things, thoughts, sensations that you look at are a movement.
How do you distinguish between a perception and the Truth/Void/Existence (whatever it is called)?
I am not looking for mystical experiences. I would agree that experience comes and goes. Even the experience of the realization comes and goes but would last a long time or so clear enough you know what the Truth is because you are THAT. (This is my understanding not by experience)
I have had an impression or idea that knowing the Truth is only through to become the Truth in other words, one must have a direct experience of the realization not by understanding or knowledge.
Then I run into those who seem to believe they understand very clearly the Truth based on long enough headless practices (Douglas Harding). I do think Mr. Harding’s headless experiments does provide a great insight and anyone can say, oh there is no face in the back or in the center of you but just edgeless space.
I guess I want to understand without a realization, can someone be a finder? (TAT term)
I listened to your interview with Shawn Nevins and for some reason, tears were welled up. Not sure where it came from and how.
Thank you very much for replying.
We all perceive and experience uniquely. We can't depend on someone else's experience. Basically, realization will be different for different people. We have to come to be our own authority, however long that takes. At some point the search will seem to end, not with a bang, but maybe just, "Oh."
Did you see my recent interview?
Perhaps it might answer some of your questions.
No I didn’t know the recent interview. I will check it out.
Thank you,
Hi Maury,
I have a question on primal scream. I am sure I have lots of pain as well. How can I practice or apply? Is it something I need to attend a workshop or something I could do by myself? I remember you attended the workshop.
If I need to talk with about a workshop, which person or which website would be the right one to look into?
I did research but I could not tell which site is the right one. It would be very helpful if you give a direction.
Thank you,
My reading of Arthur Janov's book, the primal scream was very instrumental in me being able to get into the pain. At the time I was in a Gestalt group. Because I trusted the therapist and the others in the group, I felt permission to allow and release the pain. After that, it was rather spontaneous. Like once the floodgate was opened, it just poured out.
I think a good Gestalt group would do well for you. Also, there is EMDR Therapy:
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, commonly known as EMDR, is a mental health therapy method. EMDR treats mental health conditions that happen because of memories from traumatic events in your past. It’s best known for its role in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but its use is expanding to include treatment of many other conditions.
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