Saturday, November 23, 2019

No Instincts, Just the Still Small Voice

Our instincts have been replaced with culture. Children, open, honest, and believing everything, are easily corrupted. Children adapt to ideas and attitudes that are not true. Those who break free are those who listen to that still small voice, that quiet intuition that says, "There is something else. There is something deeper than this."


Martine said...

Exactly, a silent voice that could be disturbing at first, considering our conditioning since early childhood and what we believe our culture and society expect from us. That's why, perhaps, some people (or many) get this intuition but do not trust it enough to listen to it further and thus keep struggling. Is it out of fear of loosing oneself ? The more we observe quietly what is going on, - personally in my family, environment, country, and of course beyond - the more all the argueing, worries, conflicts, expectations, discomfort appear to be meaningless. Yet, it is difficult to simply share such simple observations about this prevailing resistance to the flow of life and impermanence. I can't help wondering why something so obvious is not seen. Thanks again for your posts, always highly appreciated.

Maury Lee said...

Excellent comment, Martine! As to the inability to listen to the quiet intuition, it seems that we are conditioned to adapt to what the culture has already determined to be true. That conditioning leads us to ignore, to distrust that still small voice. It is telling us something different, unheard of, and in conflict with what we've been told since we learned to hear. It takes a strong one, or stubborn one to listen to that inner voice.