Saturday, November 30, 2019

What Is The Silence

What is the silence that is spoken about. It's really very simple. The personal sense of self dissolves as identity with the Absolute increases. A sense of security develops in proportion to trust in the Absolute. This tends to dismisses personal worries and fears. Peace becomes predominant as the personal self falls into the background.

When the sense of personal will and intent is surrendered to the Absolute, an effortlessness appears. Action becomes motiveless. A knowing arises that is spontaneous, with a sense of following inner direction. Guidance that is not of thought, nor planed.

It becomes simple to follow that inner guidance, without effort, without any personal intent, or will. When one no longer needs to plan, to worry, to fear, thought naturally falls quiet. It has little to do. This is when the quality of non doership arises. You know for a fact that you are not the doer. You are simply following orders of the divine.  

1 comment:

Maury Lee said...

You are so welcome. Have a wonderful rest of your day.