Monday, October 18, 2021

QM & Lila

Anything anyone is aware of is subjective. Science is a method of trying to get the subjectivity out, or at least minimize it. We know how well that works. So we have peer review. But, the subjective is always fundamental. Schizophrenics have experiences that most of us don't think are real. So the problem becomes one of consensus. 

NDE's and Out of Body experiences seem to have a consensus among experiencers. I haven't had any of these, but I believe they are real. For me this is enough proof that consciousness is not local. Q Physics seems to be pointing out that everything is mental. I'm in agreement with them too. Ultimately it appears that this is a virtual world and all in God's mind. That would make everything subjective. All one mind's adventure. Lila as they say in the East.

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