Tuesday, September 26, 2023

No One Is Superior

We are all unique. None of us is ultimately superior. We are the play of the divine. We may not even understand the purpose. My thinking is that we should all strive to gain as much knowledge and wisdom as we can, and then trust the unknown.

Monday, September 25, 2023

The Ultimate Fear

The fear of death is the ultimate fear, the foundational fear on which all other fears reside. There is also man's search for meaning and death seems to be the antithesis of meaning. Lastly, knowing that one is eternal seems to bring meaning back into life. What satisfies our soul seems to be our eternal spirit. Death just doesn't make sense, but being itself does.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Non Duality

The whole universe is a field of energy. Nothing is really separate; just various densities of vibration. Non-duality is just the knowing that all is One.