Monday, October 28, 2019

The Alienation of Love

A child knows innately that it needs love. It knows innately if it is not receiving it. If the love is absent, the child knows that which is essential, is missing. In this case it represses it's own knowledge and grows up out of touch with itself. The repression then manifests alienation of self and others. It's a tragedy. The only hope is to feel the pain. It is still there, in the body, in the cells. But if the pain is felt, the reality of love pours back in.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Peace of Mind

What really calms the mind is the reduction of internal conflicts. Therapy and yoga both contribute to this reduction. Realization of the non dual nature of reality also reduces internal conflict. In fact, external conflict reduces when one realizes that ultimately there is no reality to the appearance of separateness.

It is said that a quiet mind is required to grasp the subtleties of enlightenment. This is understandable. Maslow's hierarchy of needs lists physiological needs at the top of the list, followed by safety, belonging, self esteem, and self actualization. The implication of the hierarchy is that enlightenment or realization is likely to be put off until these other needs are met.

A large number of current teachers have stated that they find an increasing number of people interested in realization. There is a quickening of the spirit. This may certainly be due to the larger proportion of people having their basic needs met. I would suggest that the prevalence of therapeutic methods and the increasing number of people who take advantage of these, contributes greatly to the ability to pursue spiritual attainment.

Yoga was originally a method of quieting the mind. We know that meditation and yoga do exactly that. It seems that personal therapy also contributes enormously to the lessening of internal conflict, and therefore the emergence of a quieter mind.

A quiet mind is simply a mind that is not in conflict with itself. It implies a unified mind, a mind that has examined and refined its values. A mind that has placed its values in a hierarchy which allows lesser values to accept their place.

Whatever therapy, yoga, meditation, or other practice allows one to calm the mind will provide a path for clear contemplation and concentration. If the goal is realization, the quiet mind and its lack of distraction will make the path to realization easier.

There is a paradox in this picture. It is this: the realization of the non dual nature of reality itself is a profound quieting of the mind. To see that ultimately there is no separation, that one belongs, and is the eternal essence, ends the existential angst. It is the answer that ends all seeking as all conflicts are subsumed into knowing that all is one. To know that one has always been existence, consciousness, peace, and always will be, is the quietest place one could be.

If You Ask The Question

If you ask the question "What am I" or "Why am I here?" You have already made a statement that you are not the creator or source of your being. You have admitted that something else is the author of your body/mind. You have revealed that the person you find yourself to be is not something you created. You need to discover what this thing is! And what it is supposed to do!

If you just consider the question you are asking, you have already acknowledged God, whether you call it that or not. Call it nature, call it energy, whatever, it is the source of your existence.

To answer this question is often a life long goal. It is certainly worth pursuing. Religion and philosophy are a means to answer the question. But, to simply adopt a religion or philosophy as a belief, does not answer the question deeply enough. It can keep existential angst at bay, but it will not deeply satisfy unless it is known in one's core.

It seems that one needs to go deeply into who is asking the question. It is the person, the ego, the intellect, that is asking. It is the seeking of the Holy Grail. The answer that answers all fundamental questions. Advaita says the answer is "existence, consciousness, peace."

To know "I exist" is to be conscious. To realize that personality, ego, and body are focal points in consciousness, and are known to you, suggests that you are other than the personality, ego, body, or intellect.

If you go deep enough, the answer to "What am I" can only be consciousness itself. Not a particular consciousness, but awareness itself. That awareness in which the whole universe exists. That awareness that was before the big bang. That awareness that will be there at the end. And after the end. And you are that. And that is peace.

Monday, October 21, 2019

We Are Flowering

The apparent imperfection of life experience is the perfect expression of the learning experience. We may not know what we are here to learn, but the high view is that perfection is the goal. That perfection is unfolding through each life.

Is the bud less than the flower? No, it is just the potential flower. The essence is the same. We are the bud, working through the changes necessary to flower. We are the bud before the bloom.

God's Dreamscape

An experience, even the most ecstatic ends. So, even a great experience doesn't solve the problem of freedom from suffering. Knowledge does solve the problem because it is valid whatever experience you are having. The knowledge you need is that whatever experience you are having, good or bad, appears in awareness. That awareness is not personal. You are the knower of experience. You are beyond experience. You are the eternal presence.

The big picture is that awareness is not a product of evolution or a product of the physical brain. The brain, and in fact the universe, are in awareness. If you don't think this could be, your personal experience of the dream state can help. In your dream a whole universe appears in which all experience is available. You experience a physical universe with objects, actions, and emotions. It is real until you wake up. Consider that the whole dreamscape was conjured up in your mind, created entirely of mind stuff.

Just so, the universe we see in our daily waking life is a dream in the mind of God. Any experience, any knowing, is dependent on awareness. With examination, awareness can be seen to be the sole and primary factor of existence. It is not personal and not limited to any body. Being that existent awareness you are eternal and beyond any experience. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Podcast on Spiritual Teachers Channel

An interview I did with has been posted. If you like my posts you might enjoy this interview.  Interview with Spiritual Teachers