Thursday, June 13, 2024

Not the Doer

Basically when you know you are not the doer, doing things happens rather naturally. Since consciousness changes one person at a time, little things are essentially giant steps. Since all life is connected, if my mind is at peace, and my happiness is not dependent on others, what I have become is greater than any doing.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Nothing Is Permanent

To my mind, if anything at all exists, even for a moment, there must be something permanent in which those things appear. I can assure you I do not have a better explanation than this. Not provable. But that's how it is for me.

The Big I

Not only my body, but my mind and sense of I are here. Personally I did not create them. They arrived and this body/mind uses them. But, I must look beyond my little self to the creator of this, whatever That might be called. I sense that big I behind my little eye is permanent, eternal, and that essence is what I am.