Tuesday, March 3, 2020


We need a teacher that resonates with our own heart. Then we know that the vibration is already in us. Then the teacher is just helping us open a door to it. When the door is fully open, it is our room, our presence, and the teacher is just a friend. 


Vandana Bakshi said...

Thank you. How to find such a teacher.

Maury Lee said...

Hi Vandna, that's a good question. When one begins the search, one often doesn't know exactly what one is looking for. There is just a vague feeling that something is missing. It feels as if something is known, but forgotten. The feeling is intense, so you can't help but look. I looked in books. I wasn't lucky and I had to read a lot of books to undue the beliefs and concepts I had that were not true. Often a book would appeal to me greatly, with a sense of something there that I could not grasp. It took a long time. I never searched for a teacher. I meet several and it was fun, but I got bigger spiritual hits from reading. The main thing needed is to trust your own instincts. What appeals to you? What pricks your interest. What makes your heart sing. Follow those inklings. Ask God, whoever that is for you. You won't be denied. But be patient.