Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Inner Door

The door to our spirit, to our eternal life is not out there. Out there we will only find pointers. And out there, the pointers are few and far between. The door is inside, where we don't look. It is like the back door we never use. We even forget that it is there. 

There is only one thing we can't deny; it is that we exist, that we are aware. This awareness is the "I am" that was given to Moses, and the "I am" that Jesus spoke of. He said, "I am is the way the truth and the life." He was referring to the "I am" of each of us. The one eye that looks from all creatures. Not Jesus the man. 

The back door is where we finally have to look. It is the inside door. We must have great confidence to open the inner door. Without that confidence, we must be brought to our knees in suffering to finally open it. 

The inner door must be opened for the true light to get in. The world's light is but a dim reflection. We spend our life looking under the lamppost when the sun is just beyond the inner door. Let us be confident and open that inner 'back door' before we suffer too much. Peace.  

1 comment:

Ananda said...

Thank you Maury 🙏