Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Being yourself is of great service to nature, for nature evolved to the point of producing you as a unique expression. Expressing what wants to come through you is nature examining what it is to be you. 

Effort to make yourself into something others expect you to be will not be fulfilling or make you happy. This does not mean we do not cooperate for the good of all. It means that we should be gentle with our self, accept our self, and forgive our self. 

To be fulfilled and be of service, we must let our self be. Pay attention to what intuitively wants to be expressed through you. Let nature express what it wants through you. We may not fully understand what is pushing through us. It may be a powerful push or the still small voice. But one must listen to it and let it be.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Non Attachment

The first thing we need to do is accept things as they are. From that peaceful place we can work towards change. To keep our peace we also need to keep in mind that we are not in charge. Non attachment to results leaves us with the process which we can choose to enjoy.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Age and Open Mindedness

Age has taught me to let go and let God. I don't even have to know much about God and certainly can't define God, but I sure can let go, accept, and trust. There is no other way to obtain peace.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Not the Doer

Basically when you know you are not the doer, doing things happens rather naturally. Since consciousness changes one person at a time, little things are essentially giant steps. Since all life is connected, if my mind is at peace, and my happiness is not dependent on others, what I have become is greater than any doing.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Nothing Is Permanent

To my mind, if anything at all exists, even for a moment, there must be something permanent in which those things appear. I can assure you I do not have a better explanation than this. Not provable. But that's how it is for me.

The Big I

Not only my body, but my mind and sense of I are here. Personally I did not create them. They arrived and this body/mind uses them. But, I must look beyond my little self to the creator of this, whatever That might be called. I sense that big I behind my little eye is permanent, eternal, and that essence is what I am. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Fundamental Awareness

The one thing you cannot deny is that you exist. To know you exist is to be conscious. All your knowing is because you are conscious. Consciousness is fundamental. The world you see is only in consciousness. Therefore, you and the world are an appearance in fundamental awareness. That universal mind, or awareness is what you really are. As that, you can never die. The body you identified with is just a temporary focal point for experience. 

The I of a donkey is filtered through a donkey brain. The I of a tiger if filtered through a tiger brain. The I of a person is filtered through a human brain. The I of each is the same simple awareness, just filtered through a different lens. That universal I is what you are, and not fundamentally separate from all life.