Thursday, March 7, 2019

Existence Equals Awareness

The ear doesn't make sound, but it hears all sounds. The eye doesn't make images, but it sees any image that appears. The nose doesn't make smells, but it smells many different scents. The skin doesn't make touch, but it senses many different textures. The tongue doesn't have a taste, but it tastes whatever is put on it.

You could say that the senses are neutral. They simply reveal what is available. The single factor behind all these sense organs is awareness. It registers without choice, what the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin reveal. 

Just so, the knower, awareness, doesn't have a preference for what it experiences. It simply registers whatever experience is presented. However different our lived experience, it is all known by awareness. Isn't it obvious that awareness, the knower, is universal?

I can say that my experiences are different from your experiences, but can I say that the knower, awareness, is different from yours?

It is said that the one thing no one can deny, is that I exist. Your knowledge of existence is rooted in awareness. Is there any difference between the knower and existence? Can't we then say, that there is one existent awareness, and every experience, name and form, is nothing but that? 

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