Thursday, May 9, 2019

One Truth, Many Paths

No matter what one's background, some of us are born with an intuition that things aren't as they seem. We have an intuition that what has been accepted as truth, isn't quite so. It is a problem for the possessor of this intuition as it puts one at odds with one's parents, culture, and tradition. The pursuit of truth does not seem like an option, but a drive, a devotion that requires an answer. When one is ready to give all for the uncovering of the truth, grace often removes the veil. 

Can an intellectual realize nonduality? Surely they can, even though it is said that the Jnana (intellectual path) is the most difficult. Franklin Merrell-Wolff approached enlightenment with philosophy and pure mathematics, and his realization was profound. The branch of philosophy called Phenomenology tries to examine the base from which all scientific exploration can be pronounced valid. 

A philosophical form of meditation called phenomenological reduction is not widely known. It does not have the popularity of the Eastern yogas, or the authority of religion, but it works just the same. This video by Tomaj Javidtash shows the power of phenomenological reduction meditation.


ted said...

Interesting. Well, it's good to know there are "intellectual mystics" out there, because I certainly have this curse or disposition :).

Maury Lee said...

I had the curse as well. Still do. But it didn't stop me from realization. It took a lot of work, but it was a fun, enjoyable kind of work as I enjoyed the intellectual rigor. Most people aren't primarily thinking types. That's probably why they call it the hardest path. However, many bhakti's spend 30 years serving a guru or ashram and never realize. I think the key is devotion, which simply means dedication, effort, putting in the time. If you are devoted to truth, it's what you put in that you get out, not the path.

Emiliania huxleyi said...

Very interesting video! (And this said by a non-thinking intuitive type). I am very attracted by the injunction to suspend beliefs, and to notice when I am not…imagine the change in the world if everyone did that one simple thing…actually, I have no idea what that would look like (especially if I am suspending my beliefs), which leads to the simplicity of phenomenolgy… I can see how this could lead to clear seeing.

I wonder if Goran Backlund's book, Refuting the External World, speaks of the same thing… (I tried to read it a while back, but did not get far – probably because it made me work too hard =D)

Maury Lee said...

I liked Goran Backlund's book, Refuting the External World. It is different, as it is more of an analysis that disputes the world as we see it. I think you are correct in that it is harder, more logically demanding. Tomaj's method is simpler in that regard, and more of letting go of assumptions. Isn't it amazing that there are so many methods of getting to the ground of Being. Pick what resonates with you and go for it. Take advice, but put no head above your own.

Martine said...

The paradox is that after taking one or different paths, intellectual or not, provided there is complete passion and honesty sweeping away everything in their wake, we realize that there was actually no needed path, that's a kind of amazing revelation that ultimatly it was/is so simple. But until we see it, we have to trust our quest, -is there a choice ?- nothing is ridiculous or exaggerated - although it indeed puts us at odds with our family and culture. I no longer try to convince those who do not seem ready. But, if I can help someone, I try. The only one in my family who eventually understands this quest is my mother. As a catholic, she was horrified to hear me saying that since the age of 6, I have never believed to what and mostly how I was taught at Sunday school, and that there is no original sin. I gave her to read Krishnamurti 'about God' and quite recently 'awakening to the dream' Hartong + 'When consciousness awakens' De Mello. She seems to discover what she was looking for in her Christian practice and was highly frustrated for not finding. Now, it’s her turn to be at odds with some members of our family, rather funny isn't it ? but she does not care and feels more free. Formerly, she was very reactive when interacting with other people, with good intentions though. She now stands more in quiet observation, which is also natural meditation possible from moment to moment from the minute we wake up in the morning until we go to sleep, effortlessly, whatever may happen, pleasant or not. The present moment is never boring, let it be in front of a beautiful landscape on the French riviera or on a noisy market place in a rainy day - not unusual here in the north of France - all the same. Once we see acutely how programmed we have been, it becomes irrelevant to cling to what has not much, even nothing to do with our true nature. Coming back to your title, exploring different paths is ok, provided we do not remain stuck in them and realize how free we are. Thanks again for your posts, Maury.