Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Story

A story is a story and not the truth. The teller can only tell the the tale as it was in their experience. I have a story like each of you, and wonder if it might be interesting to others. Is there something in the pain of life that causes some of us to search more deeply than others for the truth? If such a story of my life is of interest, you can find chapter one here:


Willie R. said...

Hello Maury - If I am not mistaken, I first became aware of your internet presence by way of Charlie Hayes. No matter - I have bookmarked your "Heart of Darkness Revisited" blog. I will be "following", but not officially.

Maury Lee said...

Thanks for dropping me a line. I do like to be read, even though I do enjoy writing for its own sake. I wrote a memoir in my early twenties. But never liked it much. Now, as a much older man, I am playing with writing it with some insight, rather than the poor me, look at my crappy childhood blather. It's fun to see if I can do it. Also fun to see if it is good enough to get some readers. So, your note is bright spot in my day.