Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why Is There a Creation

Everything that has ever been experienced has been the registering of change in awareness. When this happens, we become conscious of the experience. There is always the empty field of awareness as background. If we see a mountain, it is registering a presence as a change (the appearance of form) against the silent, blank, background of awareness.

Everything in the universe changes. Yet change can only be registered if there is something unchanging on which, or to which, it appears. That which registers all the change (experience) in the universe, must be prior to the creation for anything to register. That has been called "The Knower."

Though materialists would like to think that Awareness could be created, it is Awareness itself conducting the experiment in the lab. Awareness is the knower of the scientist and his experiment. You can't create Awareness because it is already here.

Anything known in this universe is known in Awareness as an experience. Any knowing since the beginning of time, since the manifestation of form, has been registered in Awareness. Just as there is personal memory, there is also cosmic memory, known as the Akashic records. As above, so below.

The one unifying force in the universe is the subjective I experience. It is common to all life. It had to be there prior to the first creature. Beingness itself is That Awareness. If it was there prior to the universe, it would be outside the creation, without beginning or end.

If experience is the registering of change, there has to be a background against which change is experienced. Awareness is that background, and the projection or manifestation of form is the process by which Awareness creates boundaries in order to register experience.

Everything we know is in Awareness. The projection of itself into form allows Awareness to know itself. Limitless creates limited form, boundaries of apparent separation in order to experience itself in infinite ways. No two of us are the same, but the subjective experience of I is the same for all of us. That subjective I, Awareness, is what we are.

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