Saturday, April 4, 2020

When Do You Know You Are Enlightened?

Don't seek enlightenment because you think it would be cool. Don't seek it because you think it might make you special. Enlightenment will take all your specialness away. Seek only because you can't help seeking. If the seeking seems to come from your bones, then go ahead and seek. For sure, be more interested in truth than enlightenment

How will you know when you've arrived? There are so many takes on what enlightenment is, which definition will claim you've arrived? What teacher will tell you that you made the grade? Will the teacher's affirmation make it so?

Everyone is unique. There is not one path to enlightenment, but many, and the varieties of awakening are endless. Seek the truth rather than enlightenment. The truth always satisfies. It is only you who will know that your seeking has ended. It will be only you who will know you know. So be open, be honest, and the truth will set you free.

1 comment:

Maury Lee said...

You're welcome. Have a wonderful, peaceful day!